Long Island Sports And Rehab

Long Island Sports and Rehab is a physical therapy and rehabilitation clinic located on Long Island, New York. We offer comprehensive physical therapy services to help our patients improve their physical functioning and enhance their overall quality of life. Our physical therapists are highly trained and experienced in helping to restore an individual’s physical function and helping them to achieve their goals. We offer individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs and lifestyle. Our services include but are not limited to orthopedic rehabilitation, sports rehabilitation, manual therapy, aquatic therapy, balance and vestibular rehab, and more. We strive to provide the highest quality of care and customer service to our patients so that they can achieve their goals and live a healthier, happier life.

Benefits of Sports and Rehabilitation on Long Island

On Long Island, sports and rehabilitation are becoming increasingly popular. From athletes to seniors, many are turning to sports and rehab to improve their physical well-being. Whether it’s to recover from an injury, prevent injury, or improve performance, there are many benefits to sports and rehabilitation on Long Island.

The first benefit of sports and rehabilitation on Long Island is that it helps individuals improve their physical fitness. By participating in physical activities, individuals can reduce their risk of chronic diseases, build strength, and improve their mobility. Additionally, individuals can use sports and rehab to reduce their risk of injury. Through proper form and training, individuals can decrease their risk of injury while improving their physical fitness.

Another benefit of sports and rehab on Long Island is that it can help individuals increase their confidence and self-esteem. By participating in physical activities, individuals can become more self-assured and have a positive body image. Additionally, activities such as team sports can help individuals develop social skills and build relationships.

Finally, sports and rehabilitation on Long Island can help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and depression. Exercise and other activities can help individuals manage their emotions and maintain a positive outlook.

Overall, sports and rehab on Long Island have numerous benefits for individuals. From improving physical fitness to managing stress, sports and rehab can help individuals of all ages and abilities.

Types of Sports Injuries Commonly Treated at Long Island Sports and Rehab

Long Island Sports and Rehab is a premier provider of physical therapy and rehabilitation services in the Long Island area. They specialize in treating sports injuries and helping athletes of all ages and abilities safely return to their sport or activity. Common sports injuries that are treated at Long Island Sports and Rehab include strains and sprains, tendonitis, bursitis, stress fractures, and ACL tears.

Strains and sprains are the most common type of sports injuries. They are caused by overstretching or tearing a muscle or ligament, and can be treated with physical therapy, massage, and other modalities to reduce pain and inflammation. Tendonitis is another common type of sports injury that is caused by inflammation of the tendons, usually due to repetitive motions. It is treated with stretching, strengthening exercises, and anti-inflammatory medication.

Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursae, which are fluid-filled sacs located around joints. It can be caused by improper form, overuse, or direct trauma and is treated with physical therapy, pain relief medications, and ice. Stress fractures are small cracks in a bone that can occur due to overuse or repetitive motions. They can be treated with rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. ACL tears are an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee, and can occur due to sudden, excessive force on the knee. Treatment for ACL tears may involve physical therapy, bracing, and in some cases, surgery.

No matter what type of sports injury you’re dealing with, Long Island Sports and Rehab can help you get back to your peak performance. With experienced physical therapists, orthopedic specialists, and state-of-the-art equipment, they can help you find the right treatment to get you back in the game.

Long Island Sports and Rehabilitation Services

Long Island Sports and Rehabilitation Services provide comprehensive, cutting-edge care for athletes and active individuals of all ages and skill levels. From the recreational athlete to the high-level competitive athlete, our team of specialists are here to help you achieve your physical performance goals. Our multidisciplinary approach to your treatment is designed to maximize your results. We offer a variety of treatments to address acute, subacute, and chronic musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. Our team of physical therapists, chiropractors, and sports medicine specialists provide comprehensive assessment and treatment plans tailored to each patient’s individual needs. Whether you’re looking to improve your overall performance, recover from an injury, or prevent future injuries, Long Island Sports and Rehabilitation Services are here to help. We will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan that meets your needs and goals.

Long Island Sports & Rehabilitation Center | Long Island Sports ...
Image source: https://lisrc.com/

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Techniques Used at Long Island Sports and Rehab

Long Island Sports and Rehab is dedicated to helping patients return to an optimal level of physical health and performance through the use of physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques. Our team of experienced physical therapists, certified athletic trainers, and strength and conditioning coaches are committed to helping patients reach their goals. We offer a variety of treatments including manual therapy, exercise and functional training, and modalities to reduce pain and improve mobility. Our treatments are tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient and focus on restoring maximum function and quality of life.

The physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques used at Long Island Sports and Rehab are designed to reduce pain, improve movement, and restore function. Manual therapy involves the use of hands-on techniques such as joint and soft-tissue mobilization, manual stretching, and muscle energy techniques to reduce pain and improve range of motion. Exercise and functional training are used to increase strength, endurance, and balance. Modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and heat and cold therapy are also used to help reduce pain and improve mobility. Our team of professionals works together to customize a treatment plan that is tailored to meet the needs of each individual patient.

At Long Island Sports and Rehab, we believe in providing the best care to our patients. Our goal is to help patients reach their highest level of function and quality of life. Through the use of evidence-based physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques, we strive to provide the highest level of care to our patients.

Recovery Time and Return to Play Guidelines

The Long Island Sports and Rehab Center has established best practices and guidelines to assist athletes with their recovery time and return to play process. This comprehensive approach takes into account the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of injury and recovery. Our expert team of physical therapists, sports psychologists, and athletic trainers, will ensure that every athlete is given the best treatment and support to maximize their recovery and return to play safely.

Recovery times vary depending on the severity of the injury or illness. Our team will assess each athlete and develop an individualized plan to expedite the healing process. This plan will include personalized physical therapy and conditioning, nutritional counseling, and mental health support. We will also provide education to athletes and their families about the importance of rest, proper nutrition, and the risks of returning to play too soon.

The Long Island Sports and Rehab Center has established return to play guidelines to ensure that athletes are fully healed and ready to safely return to competition. We employ a multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate the athlete’s physical, psychological, and emotional readiness to return to their sport. Our team will work with the athlete and their family to ensure that the athlete is ready for all the physical and mental demands of their sport.

We understand the importance of returning to play after an injury or illness, and we are committed to helping athletes safely and effectively recover and return to play. Our team of experts will provide the best care and support, so that athletes can return to play feeling confident and ready to compete.

Insurance Coverage for Long Island Sports and Rehabilitation Services

Staying fit and healthy is a priority for many Long Islanders, and the team at Long Island Sports and Rehab can help them achieve their fitness goals. They specialize in rehab services and sports medicine, and can provide customized treatments to help patients recover from injuries and illnesses. But, while these services can be invaluable, many patients are concerned about the cost and whether their insurance will cover them.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at insurance coverage for Long Island Sports and Rehabilitation Services. We’ll discuss the different types of insurance available, the types of services covered, and any special considerations to keep in mind when seeking coverage. We’ll also include tips to help you maximize your coverage and save money. Finally, we’ll share some resources to help you get the most out of your insurance coverage.

By understanding your insurance coverage and utilizing the resources available, you can get the most out of Long Island Sports and Rehabilitation Services. With the right approach, you can receive the treatments you need while also saving money.

FAQs About the Long Island Sports And Rehab

1. What should I expect during my first appointment at Long Island Sports And Rehab?

Answer: During your first appointment at Long Island Sports And Rehab, a physical therapist will perform a thorough evaluation of your condition to develop a personalized treatment plan. The therapist will discuss your goals, medical history, current symptoms, and any other relevant factors. An individualized treatment plan will then be developed to help maximize your recovery.

2. What types of treatments are available at Long Island Sports And Rehab?

Answer: Long Island Sports And Rehab offers a variety of treatments to help improve your condition. These treatments include manual therapy, functional movement assessments, corrective exercise, postural assessments and more. Our physical therapists use evidence-based treatments to help reduce pain and improve mobility.

3. What should I wear to my appointment at Long Island Sports And Rehab?

Answer: We recommend wearing comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement. If you have a condition that affects your lower body, such as a knee or ankle injury, it is best to wear shorts or pants that can be rolled up. It is also important to wear supportive shoes that are appropriate for the activity you will be performing during your appointment.


Long Island Sports and Rehab is a great place for athletes of all ages and abilities to receive physical therapy and rehabilitation services. Their team of experienced professionals provide a comprehensive range of services, including custom exercise programs, sports and injury rehabilitation, and manual therapy. With their personalized approach to care, they are able to ensure that each patient receives the best possible care and results. Whether it’s recovering from an injury or improving performance, Long Island Sports and Rehab is the perfect place to go for all your sports and rehabilitation needs.

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